CPR St. Louis | Health and Disease Articles
CPR St. Louis provides the following articles which give a nice overview of some very common health and disease-related issues. Each article is written by a local St. Louis college student studying to enter the healthcare profession.
RLS is a neurological movement disorder that targets the legs and feet during inactivity such as sitting or lying; which is why symptoms worsen at night as you’re trying to fall asleep or even during sleep. A lot of time RLS is described as needles and pins going up and down the leg, which is why most people get relief by moving around; doing things such as stretching, pacing back and forth, and jiggling the leg.
CPR Asheville has developed a way to let students take the ACLS class and learn without stress. Our ACLS classes in Asheville, NC have a goal of really helping students soak in the concepts of ACLS. After all, what good does it do the patient or the healthcare provider if students don’t get it? Our ACLS renewal class is hands-on and fun. We give you the latest ACLS updates and make sure you pass. To view an entire calendar with all of CPR Asheville’s ACLS classes in Asheville, North Carolina visit ACLS Certification in Asheville today.
Cervical cancer has five stages which are listed as 0 through IV. Stage 0 is the point when the cells change in the cervix and the survival rate is at 100%. This is detected after the Pap smear test and those cells are examined under a microscope. Stage I is when there is cancer on the cervix and the survival rate goes down to 85%, which isn’t bad if you get treatment right away. Stage II is when the
Register Here for an ACLS Class in Greenville, SC
Are you trying to prepare for your American Heart Association ACLS class? Are you feeling overwhelmed and stressed about the material and passing the mega code? If so then you are not alone. You are experiencing the same worries that healthcare professionals everywhere have if they have only taken an ACLS class once or twice in their career. The good news is if you are in Upstate South Carolina you can register with CPR Greenville at http://cprgreenville.com
Primary Myelofibrosis is a rare blood disorder that causes scarring of the bone marrow and mutated blood stem cells. This illness affects about 1 in 500,000 people and has recently been classified as a type of chronic leukemia due to its effects on the blood-forming tissues in the body. The cause of primary myelofibrosis is mainly unknown, but doctors
In 2012, cancer caused around 577,190 deaths with the number increasing. Cancer is the 2nd leading cause of death in the United States. Cancer is a type of disease in which abnormal cells divide without control and can invade other tissues. Colorectal cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer-related deaths in the United States, with …
A person can get HIV in several ways. First, a person can only be infected when another infected person’s body fluids, such as semen or blood, enter the non-infected person’s bloodstream. The virus enters the bloodstream from a variety of sources including linings of the mouth, from sex organs, or through a cut on the skin. A few common ways
People afflicted with anorexia nervosa relate being thin to their self-worth. This is partly due to media hype that being thin and beautiful are desirable attributes in today’s society. Present culture relates being thin to success, happiness, and a lifestyle of having it all. A look at all of the weight-loss commercials and gimmicks gives one insight on this culture. Before and after pictures of “fat” versus “thin” celebrities imply that life is much
HSP (Henoch-Schonlein Purpura) is a disease that affects small blood vessels. People who have HSP will most likely experience inflammation of the small blood vessels that eventually start to leak. Professionals believe that HSP is a disease where the immune system attacks the blood cells. Many cases of HSP appear after an upper respiratory disease. Vaccinations, cool weather, food, drugs (such as antibiotics and antihistamines), and chemicals are just a few other ideas that doctors have as to where the disease comes from. The disease does not normally occur in the summer months. Another idea as to how this disease is triggered is insect bites. In rare cases, the pancreas will become inflamed. Medical is…
One of the rare skin diseases is considered to be Harlequin Ichthyosis (HI), also known as Harlequin Baby Syndrome or Ichthyosis Fetalis, because children who have the disease are most of the time born prematurely. Harlequin Ichthyosis is a very rare genetic disease. Mutation of the ABC 12 gene leads to HI. Children born with Harlequin Ichthyosis are covered with a thick layer of skin…
Chiari Malformation is a defect with the cerebellum and the shape of the skull, there is a part of the brain (cerebellum) that protrudes out of the foramen magnum (or attempts to) which causes the majority of the clinical signs associated with this disorder. This is the most commonly congenital malformation that occurs during the development of the …
There are three types of Diabetes Mellitus: Type 1, Type 2, and Gestational. A fourth type, which is not officially termed diabetes, is called pre-diabetes. A pre-diabetic patient will have blood glucose levels that are higher than normal, however, they will not be high enough to be considered a diabetic. With this being said, those diagnosed as pre-diabetic are urged to make immediate lifestyle changes that can either prevent …
Symptoms for hypothyroidism vary widely and include fatigue, mental fogginess, forgetfulness, feeling excessively cold, constipation, dry skin, fluid retention, nonspecific aches and stiffness in muscles and joints, excessive or prolonged menstrual bleeding, and depression. Symptoms for hyperthyroidism …
Prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer in men in the United States of America. (According to the National Cancer Institute). Every man is at risk of prostate cancer. As the prostate gland is exclusive to the male reproductive system, this cancer affects only men. For us to better understand this disease, first of all, we must know that the prostate is a male sex gland that produces a thick fluid that forms part of semen, and it is the size of a…
Melanoma is caused by changes in your melanocytes which produce melanin. Melanin is the skin pigment that is responsible for skin and hair color. A person is more vulnerable to developing Melanoma if one is fair-skinned, has blue or green eyes, or red or blonde hair. Excessive exposure to the sun without protection from living, working, or playing outdoors can cause…
Complications may occur in some diabetics but not others. When not managed properly high glucose levels can affect the eyes, heart, liver, kidneys, blood vessels, and nerves. Not very long ago it was common for a diabetic to lose a limb due to poor circulation or to go blind because of weak blood vessels in the eye. However today, more …
Leukemia differs from other cancers, in that is not staged; however, it can be classified into two main types: Acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL), or Chronic leukemia, and then classified again into different subgroups as high standard and low risk. Choosing treatment options when leukemia is found makes for an important decision. The most common treatment method for leukemia is …
Influenza Virus more generally known as “The Flu” has been a common nuisance for years. This virus can be as innocent as common cold symptoms or as dangerous as being fatal. The flu can be traced back to 412 BC but through time there have been a growing number of types of influenza and treatments. There are three categories the virus is divided into; A, B, C. Type A has…
For those that carry the virus, prevention is key to successfully living an outbreak-free life. This is because once the blisters have formed it is usually too late to take care of the problem. Medications such as Acyclovir, Abreva, or Valtrex have been known to be most effective when used right before the onset of an outbreak. They work by slowing down the replication of the virus, giving the human body more time to fight off the infection. If individuals are prescribed Valtrex for cold sores they take … MORE…