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Necrotizing Fasciitis by Tzipporah Weiss

By at October 18, 2011 | 6:08 am | 0 Comment

Necrotizing fasciitis is a rare but life-threatening aggressive soft-tissue infection that causes  rapidly spreading inflammation and the death of the soft-tissue (necrotizing) and the fascia, the layer of soft tissue covering the muscle. This is also commonly known as flesh-eating disease or flesh-eating bacteria syndrome. Infection typically follows trauma, although more...

Health-Disease Papers

Infant Botulism by Kayla Colona

By at October 17, 2011 | 7:40 am | 0 Comment

Botulism is uncommon but very serious in children and adults. Infant botulism is the most common of the three main types which are: Infant, food-born, and wound botulism. In the United States about 145 cases are reported each year and 65% of them are infant botulism. It is caused by a nerve toxin from bacteria called Clostridium botulinum. These bacteria can be found in more...

Health-Disease Papers

Gout by Jillian Payne

By at October 16, 2011 | 9:14 am | 0 Comment

Gout is a complex type of arthritis that is caused by a buildup of uric acid.  It is said that gout can be one of the most painful forms of arthritis.   It is an attack of pain, swelling, and tenderness in joints.  These attacks usually happen in the big toe first. The ankles, knees, wrists, and elbows can also be affected.  Gout is treatable, and steps can be taken more...

Health-Disease Papers

Importance of Breastfeeding by Hollie Strawn

By at October 15, 2011 | 8:39 am | 0 Comment

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) “strongly recommends” that women breastfeed their infants exclusively for the first 6 months of life. After the introduction of solid food, continuing breastfeeding is recommended for at least the 12th month. The benefits to both the mother and the infant are well-researched, and more benefits are being discovered through more...

Health-Disease Papers

Syphilis and the Tuskegee Study by Emily Meininger

By at October 14, 2011 | 7:41 am | 0 Comment

Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease that has increased significantly in the United States in the past decade. Syphilis is a bacterial infection caused by Treponema pallidum; this infection is mostly spread by sexual contact and spreads from skin to skin or mucous membranes. Four stages of Syphilis occur when a person becomes infected. The first stage is Primary more...

Health-Disease Papers

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