Menkes Disease by Jackie Bolen
Menkes disease, also known as Menkes syndrome, copper transport disease, steely hair disease, kinky hair disease or Menkes kinky hair syndrome, is a disease in which copper levels of the body are affected which then leads to a deficiency in copper levels. Copper is necessary for the human body to live. When a male child […]
Autism by Margaret Dennis
Autism is used to describe a mental disorder where certain cognitive and affective functions of the brain are considered abnormal. The abnormalities manifest themselves through distinct characteristics that are usually able to be seen in children as early as two years old. Some of the distinct characteristics associated with autism include problems with social interaction, […]
Asperger’s Syndrome by Maryssa McCole
Asperger’s Syndrome is an Autism Spectrum Disorder often characterized by considerable trouble in social situations. In 1944, an Austrian pediatrician named Hans Asperger took note of four children in his practice who experienced difficulty with social integration. “AS became a distinct disease and diagnosis in 1992 when it was included in the tenth published edition […]
Alzheimer’s Disease by Rachel Horas
Alzheimer’s disease is a form of dementia. It is a progressive disease caused by the build-up of plaques and tangles in the brain, which causes brain cells to die. Additionally, Alzheimer’s patients are deficient in essential brain chemicals used in the transmission of information, causing neurotransmitters from malfunctioning. Though short-term memory loss is the first […]
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease by Laura Gaynor
Living with COPD or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease causes suffering for a person and also shortens a person’s lifespan. COPD is an umbrella term that describes lung diseases like emphysema and bronchitis (What Exactly is COPD). Ninety percent of cases diagnosed for COPD are caused by inhaling cigarette smoke (Plenty of People Get COPD) over […]
Rheumatoid Arthritis by Lisa Jimas
My mother was diagnosed at age 40, they sat me down in a room and said she would be crippled by the time she was 50. I must say, this year she is turning 62 and is not crippled. She does have rheumatic nodules on her elbows and the deformation of her hands and feet […]
Biological Effects of Ethyl Alcohol by Derrick Brauner
Ethyl Alcohol also known as Ethanol and commonly referred to as alcohol, grain alcohol, or spirits has for ages been used for medicinal purposes as well as for pleasurable consumption, often consumed within specific social contexts and is used within ceremonies of many of the world’s religions. Alcohol’s molecular formula is C2H5OH, which is one […]
Shingles by Chelsea Godwin
Shingles are caused by the varicella-zoster virus; which is the same virus that causes chicken pox. This viral infection causes an extremely painful skin rash that can appear anywhere on the body; although, it most commonly appears on either side of the torso. After one gets chicken pox, this virus remains inactive in the body […]
Sickle Cell Anemia by Tiffany Hawkins
The National Institutes of Health explains that Sickle Cell Anemia is a genetic disease where the sickle hemoglobin gene is passed down from both parents to the child. According to the Mayo Clinic, the abnormal gene that is passed down from each parent creates a “condition in which there aren’t enough healthy red blood cells […]
Schizophrenia by Mike Kocur
Schizophrenia is a chronic mental condition that impairs the affected individual from accurately processing reality. Unfortunately, individuals who are schizophrenics will experience reoccurring symptoms that will have life long implications. The best way to help a person with schizophrenia is to be aware of who will be most susceptible to the condition, symptoms, and treatment […]