CPR St. Louis
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Alcohol Decreases Risk of Diabetes Type II

A study that followed over 80,000 women for 26 years found that women who eat a lot of refined carbs might offset their risk of type 2 diabetes by drinking a moderate amount of alcohol. Eating a high carb diet without drinking alcohol increased the risk of developing diabetes by 30 percent. But, those who imbibed in […]

Insomnia: Sleepless Knights by Reed Holler

After reading my title, one would think that I did not proofread my title or even use spell check. However, that is not the fact I am using a play on words to help explain how someone with insomnia must go about living their lives. As someone who suffers from insomnia in a more chronic […]

Microbial Genetics – Microbiology Outline Notes

Microbiology Lecture Notes Microbial Genetics I. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) A. 2 Strands, Double helix B. Composed of Nucleotides 1. Phosphate, deoxyribose sugar, nitrogen base 2. Nitrogen Bases a. Adenine (A), Guanine (G), Thymine (T), Cytosine (C) 3. A–T and C—G are complementary bases, hydrogen bonded to each other C. DNA Replication 1. Parental DNA strands […]

Microbial Metabolism – Microbiology Lecture Outlines

Microbiology Microbial Metabolism   I. Metabolism – all chemical reactions (making or breaking bonds) in a cell A. Catabolism – breaking down; breaking bonds 1. Hydrolytic reactions 2. Exergonic – release energy B. Anabolism – building molecules; making bonds 1. Dehydration synthesis reactions 2. Endergonic – consume energy   C. Catabolic reactions provide energy to […]

Kangaroo Care for the Preemie by Paige Arndt

Almost anyone who plans to be a parent has an ideal experience in mind.  They will get pregnant easily, have a non-incidental pregnancy, carry the baby to full-term, have a normal (pain-free) delivery, and go home, with baby-in-tow, within days of delivering their healthy bundle of joy.  This picture-perfect experience leads to an easier time […]

Microbial Nutrition and Environment Outline Notes

Microbiology Microbial Nutrition, Environment and Growth I. Nutrition – Taking in chemicals (nutrients) from the environment A. After being absorbed, the nutrients are used by the cell for growth and metabolism 1. Metabolism – all chemical reactions in the cell 2. Organic nutrients – carbon based such as lipids, proteins, carbohydrates 3. Inorganic nutrients – […]

Prokaryotes – Microbiology Outline Notes

Microbiology Prokaryotes I. Prokaryotic cells – bacteria and archaea A. No nucleus or organelles 1.  Eukaryotes (animals, plants, fungi, protists) have a nucleus and organelles B. Structure of Bacteria 1. External Structures a. Appendages – flagella, pili, fimbriae b. Glycocalyx – capsule, slime layer 2. Cell Envelope a. Cell wall b. Cell Membrane 3. Internal […]

Adult Brain Tumors by Stefanie Meadows

This year alone 22,910 brain and spinal cord tumors will be diagnosed and if benign tumors were added to this total it would be much higher. Within in this number there are more males diagnosed at 12,630 than females who are at 10,280 and so more males will die form this disease than females . […]

Breast Cancer By Emma Kriegel

Cancer is a common disease throughout the world. A type of cancer that many people, especially women, question about is breast cancer. Although more common in women, men can get breast cancer too. Breast cancer begins in the cells of a breast by a type of tumor called a malignant tumor. A malignant tumor is a […]

Restless Leg Syndrome by Hanisa Mehmedovic

Do you ever wake up at night and feel an unpleasant and unusual cramp in your leg? Or have trouble falling asleep due to a crawling or a tingling feeling in your things, calves, or feet? If so, don’t ignore it. These may be some signs or symptoms of Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS). RLS is […]

Yes, we are your local American Heart Association training site. We offer in-person classes, skills checks, and blended online learning.

*IMPORTANT NOTE: 100% of CPR St. Louis instructors have entirely completed (1) the rigorous and official American Heart Association instructor training and certification process, and (2) the “How to Teach a Stress-Free CPR Class™” classroom and testing training protocol that ensures a superior experience for everyone. In addition, students will receive their AHA Cards the day of class!

[WARNING]: Because of the high quality, stress-free classroom student experience, our classes fill very fast – so register now to ensure your spot. See our course calendar for online registration or contact us directly by phone, live chat or email with questions.