ACLS / BLS Renewal
Course Agenda
Welcome and Introductions
American Heart Association (AHA) 2010 Guidelines Updates and Science
Overview Video
Airway Management and Respiratory Arrest
Practice While Watching ( PWW )
Respiratory Arrest Infant / Child Update
Bag-Mask Ventilation Testing Station:
1:1 rescuer respiratory arrest test
Surveys Video
Respiratory ArrestInfant / Child Update
Testing Station
1:1 rescuer CPR and AED test
Megacode and
Resuscitation Team Concept video
Putting it all
together – Learning Station for Megacode
– Group practice with case scenarios
Each student will run a code as the team leader after being provided with a case scenario. There will be no prompts or help in this section of the course. This is a test. The student must run the code as if it were an actual real life event. Please ask all questions prior to beginning the code.
Written Exam & Course Evaluation
If no remediation is necessary and there is a score of 84% or higher on the written exam, students will be presented with an American Heart Association 2 year provider card.
*Depending on the class size ACLS recertification usually lasts around 4 1/2 hours and BLS recertification lasts 3 hours.
ACLS-BLS St. Louis
Recertification Center
Call 314.662.3670
[email protected]
NOTE: If you need to schedule an ACLS or BLS class in the St. Louis area please go to:
ACLS class schedule (St. Louis, MO)
BLS class schedule (St. Louis, MO)
NOTE: If you need ACLS or BLS skills checkoff because you completed and online aha acls/bls class go to ACLS-BLS skills test