Need a BLS (CPR for healthcare professionals) class because you are a nursing student in St. Louis, MO?
If you need BLS certification (BCLS or CPR for hcp) in St. Louis because you are attending a nursing school such as Chamberlain College of Nursing, Goldfarb School of Nursing at Barnes-Jewish College, Lutheran School of Nursing, St. Louis College of Health Careers, Webster University, College of Nursing at the University of Missouri-St. Louis, Saint Louis University School of Nursing, Maryville University, St. Louis Community College, Jefferson College, or any other school of nursing in St. Louis or surrounding areas such as Illinois, register for a live, hands-on class.
Online BLS classes often do not prepare you as well as an in-person Basic Life Support class does for the real thing. We always advise nursing students who need CPR to begin clinical to take a good hands-on class from an experienced American Heart Association-certified instructor.
You can sign up for a 1st Time BLS class for nursing school (clinical requirement) at or call 314.662.3670