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NURSING BURN OUT – Try Travel Nursing, I Did.

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If you are a registered nurse who feels underpaid, under appreciated, and in a slump you are certainly not alone. Nursing has a high rate of burn out. This burn out is often intensified by facilities under staffing, under paying, and not building one on one relationships with each and every employee.

Any of the above describe you? It used to describe me! When I first became a nurse I went straight into the ICU out of nursing school. After working in the emergency department for over four years during school I was no novice to patient care. However, I was a novice to the responsibilities and pressure of transitioning into the role of a registered nurse. During my extensive orientation in Saint Louis, MO there were BLS classes, ACLS classes, and endless critical care classes. After a year of pouring all of my energy into becoming a knowledgeable and competent ICU nurse, I finally developed a routine and systems. The downside was that after a year of this I was still broke, tired, and I had no life outside of the hospital because of the exhausting hours of the “night shift.”

One evening before going into work I was searching travel nursing jobs on the Internet. Two of the ICU nurses I worked with at the time both previously worked as travel nurses. They told me that when they first started traveling they only had been practicing nursing for a year. After viewing several travel nursing agency websites I came across a nursing agency called Nurses PRN. What grabbed my attention to stay longer on the Nurses PRN website than a minute was their logo.

For a travel nursing agency to have the words “committed to you” in their logo impressed me. What’s more is their mission and values described exactly the kind of travel agency I wanted to join! Nurses PRN’s vision is building relationships one touch at a time. Their mission is to live their vision. And a few of their values are relationships, compassion, and quality. After being impressed with the focus that Nurses PRN claimed to have on relationships with their travel nurses, I decided to call.

Yes, I was looking for better pay and new scenery but I also wanted to go somewhere that had a family feel. Some travel nursing recruiters are all about what they can get out of the deal rather than showing concern for what you as the travel nurse want to get out of the deal. This was absolutely not the case when I called Nurses PRN. Their recruiters were and still are focused on placing special attention to your needs and I always feel like the priority. The employees at Nurses PRN travel agency find out what you want and then go out and make it happen.

If you are thinking about investigating the world of travel nursing and want to explore California, Las Vegas, the beaches of South Carolina,  Saint Louis, MO, and several other hot locations pick a nursing travel agency that will be dedicated to you. Call around and compare offers, I did. After being annoyed with several who did not seem to be concerned with my needs I chose Nurses PRN. Call them today at 888.830.8811 and I guarantee you will not be disappointed. After working with them for over a year I know more than one name, I know several. Ask for Jen McHugh, Robin Loevy, Sharon, Lisa, Charles, Angie, and the list goes on. It’s pretty phenomenal to be on a first name basis with the companies regional management and several nursing recruiters! You can also visit their website to apply at http://prnhealthservices.com.

From one nurse to another Happy Nursing Travels. It is the only way to do nursing! Get paid, have fun, and be appreciated.

Sydney Pulse, APRN

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Yes, we are your local American Heart Association training site. We offer in-person classes, skills checks, and blended online learning.

*IMPORTANT NOTE: 100% of CPR St. Louis instructors have entirely completed (1) the rigorous and official American Heart Association instructor training and certification process, and (2) the “How to Teach a Stress-Free CPR Class™” classroom and testing training protocol that ensures a superior experience for everyone. In addition, students will receive their AHA Cards the day of class!

[WARNING]: Because of the high quality, stress-free classroom student experience, our classes fill very fast – so register now to ensure your spot. See our course calendar for online registration or contact us directly by phone, live chat or email with questions.