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Health-Disease Papers

Dangers Behind High Blood Pressure By Kimberly Murphy

By at October 29, 2011 | 8:56 am | 0 Comment

Overview and Effects of High Blood Pressure High blood pressure, or hypertension, can affect anyone at any age. It is often referred to as the “silent killer”, and is the most common type of cardiovascular disease.  Blood pressure refers to the force of blood pushing against the artery walls as it moves through the body.  Blood pressure can vary from minute to more...

Health-Disease Papers , ,

What are Nasal Polyps by Stacey Farmer

By at October 28, 2011 | 8:48 am | 0 Comment

Nasal polyps are usually benign, abnormal growths in the lining of the nasal cavities which are made of epithelial tissue.  The most common place polyps are found is in the nasal meatus. There are four nasal cavities maxillary, sphenoid, ethmoid, and frontal.  They are air-filled spaces in between the bones around your face. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle more...

Health-Disease Papers

Herpes by Megan Karr

By at October 27, 2011 | 7:50 am | 0 Comment

Herpes is a life-long sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by the Herpes Simplex Virus, or HSV. There are two types of the Herpes Simplex Virus; Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 (HSV1) and Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 (HSV2). Herpes Simplex Virus 1 typically causes cold sores or oral herpes and Herpes Simplex Virus 2 typically causes genital herpes. Herpes may be mistaken more...

Health-Disease Papers

Fibromyalgia by Nicole Deckard

By at October 26, 2011 | 7:45 am | 0 Comment

Fibromyalgia is one of the most common types of arthritis. Like all types of arthritis fibromyalgia is a widespread joint and muscle pain along with fatigue and depression. Most people use to believes that fibromyalgia was a “fake” disease.  This type of arthritis affects mostly women between the ages of 25 to 60.  Women are ten times more likely to have more...

Health-Disease Papers

What Causes Bone Spurs? by Michelle Hofmeister

By at October 25, 2011 | 6:07 pm | 0 Comment

Bone spurs, also known as osteophytes, are extra bone that can grow on any bone, but normally forms where bones meet or where ligaments and tendons connect with bones. Areas in the body where bone spurs can commonly be found are the spine, shoulders, knees, hips, hands, and feet. Spurs themselves are not painful, and normally they are smooth surfaced. But, because bone more...

Health-Disease Papers